Scott Draves - Software Artist

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Dream 198.16778.

Dream 243.06540.

Dream 165.25305

Dream 202.71336.


Abstract digital art is rare at very high resolution. Scott Draves' extraordinarily painterly generative art combines complex abstractions with the smooth simplicity of natural patterns. The result is unattributable to human or machine.

Although people may think of Electric Sheep designs primarily as moving images, in the beginning the paintings the artist created with his "Flame" algorithm were always still. Then Draves created the distributed rendering network that allowed such processor-intensive digital work to be generated efficiently. Only with the invention of this process - part of the Electric Sheep ecosystem - did the "Flames" become animated.

Draves' original Flames were quite simple; over the years the Electric Sheep system has evolved to the point where often the artist himself cannot imagine how his algorithm produces certain characteristics. He has selected some of his favorite still images to display and sell in high resolution limited edition prints. The edition sizes are small to preserve the rarity and value of the prints. Prints come signed by the artist with a certificate of authenticity. Please see our for sale page to see a full array of prints and pricing.

Please inquire with the artist at for custom work.